Monday, March 29, 2004

Holy mother of Thespis. My weekend was mind blowing. Let's recap, shall we?

Sleepover for The Fifth Sun at Meghan's rocked my LIFE. I haven't had that much fun in so long (okay....Lewis Black night). I get a joygasm just thinking about it. I just got this unbelievably corny sense of family that night. I will now forego any narrative structure. Watched Romero, ate milpa and guacamole, got notes, had the best massage of my life from Greg, and then had a massive orgy. We did some heavy duty bonding. Oh, the things we discovered about eachother. I have never been in such a sexual atmosphere in my life (I learned some really nasty terms). Okay, it was all just in fun, but it was crazy nonetheless. Told wicked sweet stories about dead cats, shooting lizards, putting pigeons in pockets......Tried vegetarian "meat". Went through all of Meghan's grade school pictures. She was wearing a cross in one of them, it was funny. We all stuffed eachother into Meghan's room (despite plenty of other available space) at around 4 a.m. to try and go to sleep. Yeah, that didn't happen. I was next to Greg and I could totally tell that he wanted a piece of my sweet ass, lol. "Woke up" at 8 for load-in back at the theatre. Funnily enough I wasn't tired at all.

Load-in. Heh. Despite not having gone to sleep, I had a rockin' time, and didn't drag ass all day. Worked in the costume shop most of the time making my Ahpuch costume. Man, it was so great. I got this huge creative rush. There were times when Kelly said "hey, make this" and I did. No instructions. I just took creative liscence and made executive decisions. I made a skull for my necklace out of nothing! I came up with ways to do things. It felt really good. And Greg and I orchestrated this grand dramatic relationship that's wicked sweet. I broke up with him 357 times.

And then there came the run through from Hell. I'm not exactly sure what happened. All of us just apparantly capitulated and turned to crap. For the most part. For my Colonel monologue I put my balls to the wall (so to speak). I pulled every sinister and creepy thought in my mind to the forefront, and it felt so good. There are some moments that you experience as an actor when everything just clicks into place and feels right. This was that for me. I became completely engulfed in what I was doing, and I felt amazing. But then the run was over, and we got the ass beating of our lives form Meghan. She wasn't as harsh as she could have been, but we still got hit.

Today at cue-to-cue, we stepped up to the plate, and freakin' ripped off our balls and hurled them at the wall. I'm so excited about this show. I haven't felt that in a while.

And Hell week continues.....................

Saturday, March 27, 2004

As if in response to my last entry, my life decided to take an unexpected twist toward the mildly enjoyable yesterday (and this morning). I still feel like crap-maybe even more so. My body has just capitulated and said "aw, screw it" to all of my demands. And I started my period, and we all know how insanely psychotic I feel then. But that's alright. Last night we ran the show for Dr. Jones, and while it wasn't the best, it could have been a lot worse. I'd like to say that we did really well, but I don't want to assume too much and get cocky. Well, anyway, after that I headed over to Greg and Devin's room for Lewis Black night with the two of them, Melly, Guy, Seth, and Spence. It was a barrel of laughs, I tell ya - those guys are a hoot. And I have discovered that Greg is my new best friend. Seriously, we're like this *makes geture signifying 2 minds on the same level*. Haven't had that much fun in quite a while. I guess I just got so used to staying in on weekends that I forgot that there is life beyond my room. But the fun didnt end there, my friends. Oh no. Next was an enticing meal at the International House of Pancakes (the health club endorsed by Lewis Black). French toast. Woot. While there we covered a vast array of topics, from why Greg should never be President, to why Hummers don't count. Very educational. And oh the pearls of wisdom that were shared. Just a sample:

"Grace, I want you to be President because you would let me stay in the White House and search for treasure."
"I'm singing to my biscuit - that's great!"

Good times, guys, good times.

On the downside, our next door neighbor's alarm clock went off at 7 a.m. and it i still going right now at 9:45. There will be hell to pay.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I seem to have reached a point of infinite stress. Since I have gotten back from Spring Break I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. And time. There is absolutley no time for anything. I don't know why I;m even writing this. Seriously. This History test has been giving me nightmares. I don't know why - I made a 91 on the last one; I guess I'm just afraid I won't live up to my own standards. It's crazy, I feel like I'm going crazy. And all the added stress from the show just keeps growing. The Colonel is giving me problems, and I'm thinking of completely re-vamping my whole angle on him. The percussive stuff is terrifying me to no end. I keep tripping up becuase I'm self conscious about it, and I don't know why. And I just now realized that I have this Stage Movemeny paper due in a week and a half (which seemed like such a long way away when Jaunita assigned it back in Jan.). I haven't even read the book that I have to write on. And there's that English paper. Thankfully, it's over the film Memento and should be too heinous. I know this doesn't all seem like that much to deal with, but it feels like I'm going to collapse from the stress and expectations. I dunno. And one of my frinds keep ignoring me on messanger. Piss it. Time for sleep.

"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it." - Jane Wagner

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Being back at school rocks the house. Really. I can't even express the incredible happiness I'm feeling right now. No parents, no siblings, no having to move furniture. Hallelujah. Of course, there is that English paper that I have due, an impending History test, and a show that opens in 2 weeks, but I'm trying not to think about that.

Forgot to mention that Mom took me to see the property where the house is beign built. Boondock central. Seriously, complete hickville. And the thing is, she was totally oblivious to my distaste for the place. The entire time, she kept spouting off all these comforting things to me like, "they say that the school system is really great", "they say it's a wonderful place to raise kids." Okay, who is they? Is they those people on the side of the road with no teeth? 'Cause they don't look that bright.

Oh yeah. Completely forgot to add this. I almost blew Lent. Or, rather, my rommate did. Audrey left a day before me for he break, and when I got home from my classes, she had sprinkled a bag of Heath Bars all over my bed, and changed my computer background to "I <3 Chocolate. Love~ Satan." I could have killed her. And my parents made it a point to get donuts practically every morning for breakfast, and then claim to have forgotten what I was giving up. I swear they did it just to piss me off. Meh.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

So. Spring Break. Meh. I've been pretty bored. Finished The Age of Innocence and I'm working on The Unbearable Lightness of Being now. Other than that I've done a whole lot of nothing. And packing. A TON of packing. We already sold our house, and the new one won't be ready until mid-July, so we're renting the house across the street (we move in on Saturday). And Ma has broken the horrifying news to me that we'll just be using our cell phones in the rented place, which means no phone line, which means no internet. Shoot me now. Please. The entire summer without internet? Yeah, okay. Excuse me from my temporary moment of teenage exaggeration and whining, but I think I might die. No e-mail. No AIM. Shiza. Anyway.

Had dentist appointment (nothing heinous). Have to get wisdom teeth removed this May. Bugger all (I have decided that I shall now be British). Hopefully going to a rehearsal for The Importance of Being Ernest tomorrow. Should be high quality. Haven't seen any of my friends yet. Dinner with Kari tonight. Woot. She's one of my favorite people on the face of the planet. Like, really, she's so enormously superfly. That's all for now, I suppose.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

For all of you guys who wanted to know what The Fifth Sun was about:

You have a gun
And I am hungry

You have a gun
I am hungry

You have a gun
I am hungry

You can have a gun
you can have a thousand bullets and even another thousand
you can waste them all on my poor body,
you can kill me one, two, three, two thousand, seven thousand times
but in the long run
I will always be better armed than you
if you have a gun
And I
only hunger.

- Arms by M.J. Acre

Saturday, March 06, 2004

I have a giant floor tomb in my dorm room right now. Anyone like to know why? Well, I'll tell you. We started rhythm dancing and percussion rehearsals for The Fifth Sun yesterday. Yeah. Kent came in and worked with all the guardians and had us all play bongos and snares ans whatnot (funnily enough, none of us played the floor tomb, he just sprung it on me at the end.....I love the look on Audrey's face when I brought it into the room). I had a few problems. You would think that because I'm a dancer, I would have no trouble with rhythm, right? Well, it seems that all my rhythm is in me feet - I kept trying to beat out tap steps ont he bongos. Didn't go to well. It's okay, though. Kent was super nice about everything, and helped me out a lot. I don't know why I never got to know him before. Amber was always talking about how funny he was. Anyway, dance rehearsal came next. Totally made up for the percussive stuff. I rocked the house; it made me happy. And we get to sing, too. Woot. Man, this show is going to be so great. It feels much more lik an actual show the Pericles ever did. I dunno why. I guess because I'm doing more things. Meghan continues to rock my socks off. And the show motto is.....PUTA PATROL!!!!!

"I don't give a shit what the Catholic Church does!" - Meghan Dwyer

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Something that happened today shattered the very foundation of my happiness. Four years ago I bought a fabulous item at my local Target: one Mickey Mouse watch. This watch has been the source of much entertainment, as it plays music, has a digital dancing Mickey, shows the date, and much, much more. It pained me greatly, therefore, when today when a member of my Stage-Makeup class asked the date, I looked down at my watch and discovered, much to my dismay, that it showed the date as March 3rd rather than March 2nd. After my desperate attempt to fix it, I handed it over to two other people - neither of which could remedy my problem, but did succeed in changing the time and turing the date to January 1st. I have resigned myself to the worst of non-date-knowing days. What will I do now when I need to know the date? Ask some one else and admit my ignorance? No, my friends, I will not - I refuse. I have decided to hire someone whose sole perpose is to follow me around and supply me with the date and time. I will be accepting applications tomorrow at noon.

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." - Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx

Monday, March 01, 2004

Started regular rehearsals yesrerday. We're off book in a week. I'm so unprepared. I'm really excited, of course, but I just don't feel anywhere near ready - even for rehearsal. This is going to be the world's shortest entry.

"The Dictionary? Who goes by that?" - Audrey Thomas, roommate extraordinare, and cunning linguist