Monday, September 29, 2003

Happy Monday, everyone! I had a superfly weekend. My friends Sara, Kari, Suleiman, and Chris from H.S. came in to town and saw a play with me, then we went back to their hotel, and had a wicked good time! There were pillow fights, back massages, and compromising pictures taken. Just kidding......or am I? Yeah, then we went to the cast party for "Don Perlimplin..." and stuff. It was so weird seeing them drinking. Wow. Surreal. Then we went back to the hotel, and there was this show that we came across while channel surfing. It was on Oxygen, and had this 90 year old lady talking about sex. Dude, it was so crazy! Yeah.....Anyway, totally superfly weekend. They made me feel so happy. I love you guys! Yeah. Now I'm sitting here with Amber (who's watching "Lolita") and we're waiting for our friend so we can go eat dinner. Man, did I write about the pie already? Yeah, I did. I want some more. I have another English paper due on Friday. Damn. And I can't start it until Wednesday. Double Damn. Yeah.

"Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git."

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Happy Thursay! Season Premiere of "Friends" is tonight. Superfly. Yeah, my friends Seth and Amber are here in my room chillin' like villians with me. We're doing the standard talkin'-listening-to-music-taking-online-quizzes kind of chillin'. Yeah. Seth wanted me to write about him in my Blog, so I did. Hope you're happy, Seth. Amber is more superfly than Seth, though (she wanted me to write that, but I think that they're both equally superfly). Anyway. Yeah. I should really be revising my English paper right now. Oh, well. I bought stamps today. Stamps are expensive, yo. Oh yeah! Yesterday, the cafeteria had this awesome peanut butter creamy cheesecake pie thingy. Man, my unle has this saying, "Good food id sex on a plate." Yeah. Dude I ate like, 5 pieces. Let's see, what else. I just found out that Rosemary has West-Nile virus. That really sucks; I hope she gets better. Dude, that really sucks. At dinner tonight, I spilled all of my drink on the floor, and then proceeded to slip on it and landed in the puddle of water flat on my ass. Damn. Oh, and I took an online quiz aout which John Waters movie character I am, and it said that I was Brian Johnson (the geek) from "The Breakfast Club". That's depressing.

"Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally long nose out of other people's business."

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Happy Tuesday! You know that history test that I spent my entire weekend studying for? Yeah, I took it yesterday. It was a cinch. How come nobody ever says that anymore? "Cinch". Man, back in the 3rd grade, "cinch" was all the rage. Anyway. Rehearsals for "Pericles" started. Yeah. I have to do a crapload of research for this show. Damn. Our "Pericles" lost his voice. Double damn.

Why do you build me up (build me up)
Buttercup, baby, just to let me down (let me down), and mess me around?

That is one of my top 5 favorite songs ever.

I'm going to go take a shower. Okay I'm back. I feel refreshed. My ethernet connection still isn't working. Man, that really hacks me off. I have to use my roommate's to go online. What a buzzkill. Buzzkill is a fun word. Hey, in my English class, we were learing about this literature scholar guy, and he said that the most auditorily pleasing word combination in the english language is "cellar door". I think I've heard that somewhere else before, too. It does sound cool, though. I mean, think about it. "Ass monkey" or "rancid meat" just don't sound as cool. Gotta go to my next class. See ya latah, alligatah!

"Ahh, when two Neptunes appear in the sky, it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is being born......"

Sunday, September 21, 2003

I'm really bored. I just looked at Aaron's blog, and I thought to myself, "Self, yes surveys are the crappiest, most obnoxious things ever......but you have nothing else to do; and since Aaron did one, they must be SUPERFLY!" Yeah. I'm really bored.

*Abortion: I don't think I could ever do it
*Eating disorders: depressing
*Rape: really depressing
*Suicide: see above
*South park: never watched it
*Piercings: not on guys, unless you're Johnny Depp
*Drinking: water rocks my world

*Megan or meghan: I really hated a girl named Megan
*Lacey or lacy: the only one who could pull off that name is a My-Little-Pony
*Steven or stephen: Steven, that way you can spell it Nevets backwards
*Kurt or curt: K
*Mark or marc: Marky Marky pretty much killed that name
*Brandi or brandy: I once had a step-sister named Brandy. She sucked
*Corrine or carine: Corrine
*Kari or carrie: no matter how you spell it, I still thing of Sissy Spacek drenched in pig blood
*Jackie or jackqui: unnecessary letters suck. I oughta know
*Deseray or desirae: again, only a pony
*Jayde or jade: just don't like the name
*Amy or aimee: Mom's name is Amy
*Ashley or ashleigh: Hate my name, either way, it's still too common
*Geoff or jeff: I believe I already speilled on unnecessary letters

*Do you have a crush/love interest: what?
*Whats his or her age: 72
*How long have you liked him or her: since we met in a previous life. I'm kidding
*Do you think there is a person for everyone: nope
*Do you believe in love at first sight: only in one instance: if you see an unknown someone coming toward you, and then they fall in a mud puddle, and you're still atracted to them, man that's love
*Have you ever been in love: maybe. still debating
*Do you think it lasts forever: no
*Do you want to get married?: Nope; I've learned too much from my parents

*First grade teacher's name: Mrs. McNickle
*Last word you said: Superfly!
*Last song you sang: "I've Grown Accostomed to Her Face" from My Fair Lady
*Last meal you ate: Cheez Its
*Last person you flipped off: I've actually never flipped anyone off
*Last song stuck in your head: "Light My Candle" from Rent
*Last time you had an injury that made you bleed: I fell and scraped my hand on the pavement
*What color socks are you wearing: black
*What's under your bed: storage tub, shoes
*What's the weather like: rainy, I like it when it rains
*What is on your wall calendar: Disney Princesses
*What time did you wake up today: 9:37; I actually slept in

*When do you want to marry: when Hell freezes over
*Do you want kids? : I think I'd be a crappy mom
*Are you going to college: yesiree!
*If so, how long do you want to go: no longer than is absolutely necessary

First best friend: Nathan and Jason
Last best friend: Christy and Rosemary
First real memory of something: being pulled around the Air Force Base playground in a Radio Flyer by my babysitter
Last real memory of something: coming out of the stall in the girls bathroom and seeing a bunch of repair guys fixing the sink
First car: ' 99 Chevy Cavalier
Last car: same. damn
First date: dates suck
Last date: prom, but that doesn't really count, there were like, 8 other people there, too
First kiss: Christamstime, freshman year of h.s. under mistletoe. It really sucked; too impersonal
Last kiss: been a while
First job: the seventh circle of Hell, whoops, I mean AMC
Last job: I'm free from it (for a while)
First screen name: snowflakepixie
Last screen name: don't have one
First self purchased album: soundtrack to "Fievel Goes West"
Last album: soundtrack to "Les Miserables"
First concert: Billy Joel and Elton John. Holy Mother of God. I'm still gettin gover that one
Last concert: Only one I've been to
First funeral: Grandpa Casperowitz
Last funeral: My cousin Jonna Salcedo and Grandma
First pet: Okay, my first pet was a grey kitten named Precious. I loved Prescious more than life itself for the full 7 hours that I owned her. My mom surprised me with her when she got home from school. Then she and my step-dad went out to dinner, and my babysitter watched me for a while. She got annoyed by Precious, and so she put her on the couch in the basement, NEXT TO A PLASTIC BAG, and locked the door. The next time I went down there, Precious had suffocated. I still seek vengeance......
Last pet: My kitty Moira.
First president you voted for: haven't yet
Last president you voted for: yeah
First piercing/tattoo: ears
Last piercing/tattoo: thinking about my tummy
First house/home: Wurtsmith Air Force Base, MI
Last house/home: my dorm in Naconowhere
First love: what did you say?... I can't hear you!
Last love: still can't quite hear you....
First enemy: Jessica Lemieux in second grade; stupid skank ruined my snowman
Last enemy: Steven Shepard. God I hate that stupid son of a .......I mean......what?

"I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid, we know our names are Gred and Forge."

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Hey, this is Ashleigh (or Grace, depending on who's reading), and this is my very first weblog, woohoo! Yeah, this is superfly. Um...Yeah....I was reading Allen's and Aaron's and Nevets's, and I said to myself, "Self, you should get one of those bloggy thingies". So I did! Yeah!

So, yeah, I've been studying non-stop this weekend for a history test over the Gilded Age, Imperialism, and Progressivism. I tell ya, back in the day, it was like the U.s. was playing a huge game of "Monopoly" or something. We were all like, "hey, Spain, I'll give you $20 million for the Philippines", and "Columbia, dude, I'll pay you $10 million up front, and then $250,000 for every time you let our ships land on Park Place, I mean the Panama Canal". Yeah.

Yeah, I'm really bored. I took a break from studying to write Jake an e-mail awhile ago, and then I had a greaseburger from the school cafeteria. Not so bad. They have superfly ranch dressing. I've been rereading "Harry Potter". HP rocks my world.

I see a red door and I want it painted black.
No colors anymore I want them to turn black.
The Rolling Stones also rock my world.

My roomate is out of town for the weekend. Solitude is super, I desperately needed some downtime. My friends tried to take my clubbing last night. Yeah. After several attempts at finding a place (one was "country night" the other "step night" and one had all of 3 people in it), we wound up at IHOP at midnight. Much more to my liking. I went home later, studied for an hour, and went to bed. I had a really superfly dream. I dreamt that I was at home, in my own bed, and my cat, Moira, had curled up beside me. It felt so real; I thought that when I woke up I would still be there....... but I wasn't. Damn. I shook my fists in fury. I miss my kitty.

Hey, I made the cast of one of the mainstage shows! Yeah, I'm wicked excited. I play Hespirides in Shakespeare's "Pericles". She's having an incestuous affair with her father (and is later "courted by Pericles") and the character sketch describes her as "the object of much lust". That is going to be interesting. I had my first costume fitting for it, and the design head told me that my costume would be "lot's of skin.... Picture Princess Leia in 'Return of the Jedi'. The gold bikini". Oh, God. I don't know if that's going to work for me. Dude, I can see the headline now: "Deranged Father Murders SFA Theatre Director". Yeah. And I'm really intimidated, I'm the only Freshman in the cast; I hope they don't subject me to any bizarre hazing rituals.

I miss Steven/Nevets. I was reading your Blog, dude. I really miss hearing you be funny.

I haven't tripped today. Thought that was worth mentioning.