Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Midnight Madness

I'll save my thoughts on Deathly Hallows for another time, if I post them at all. I know a lot of people were probably expecting a lengthy review much in the same manner as I did for Half Blood Prince, but I don't really think too much is necessary this time. Suffice it to say: it was wonderful. It was what I needed it to be. Possibly more on this later. For now, here are some pictures of the antics that ensued at the midnight release party that I attended with BC (who raced into town and wore my "I am Hermione Granger" t-shirt, much to my dismay), and BoBo (his sister, who is also my neighbor and longtime friend).

As expected, I was Hermione.

Getting into a fight with Fleur (BoBo)

Coming home and reading through the weekend (with Moira and Crookshanks by my side)

Very sad to see the end. Am experiencing the sort of quasi-post partum depression that usually accompanies the closing of a show; not sure quite what to do with myself. I've grown up with these books - it's like losing a friend.

Thoughts from anyone else?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously read or have been influenced by the Harry Potter thing....I would suggest you keep your spiritual life in order. The potter thing is incredible popular and swings on the wrong gate, yet in a way that seems perfectly harmless, especially to those uninitiated in the occult!!! It took me quite a while to figure that out.

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been showing videos of the chemtrails in Toronto. Congratulation on your powers of observation. Now to figure out how Potter and chemtrails are connect.
Those responsible for the trails are as deep into the rabbit hole of the occult as you can go. For eg: Try youtube..the prophecy club&the illuminati,technology and mark of the beast,scalar technology. Or try www.iicph.org or weather wars,or the book, Angels don`t play this H.A.A.R.P. or the great global warming swindel, global warming hoax, carbon con, uhuh.com and as Yoda might say...if you believe...then try spirit lessons .com and listen to mary catherine baxter ( now that`s true reality!!!!)Not this physical form we see! Well, this message will self destruct in *

7:22 AM  

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