Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Waitstaff Appreciation Day

Christians have Christmas, Jews have Hanukkah (or Chanukah, or Xh#8!sgh), and waiters have National Waitstaff Appreciation Day (assuming, of course, that waiting tables can be considered a religion - and for those lifers, it probably is). The Restaurant is our Temple, the expo line is out confessional, and we touch our foreheads with marinera before each shift.

Perhaps not.

So how should i celebrate? Is there some sort of server fairy walking around with wings of uncooked pasta and a gown of stained linen napkins? I think I'll just sit on a customer's lap and tell them exactly what I'd like for this NWAD. Apart from being completely mystified as to why their waiter has taken up residence on top of their legs, I'm sure they'd be most amused. But really, I'm spending the day working a double, making minimal amounts of money in the near empty Italian restaurant of a dead college town. At least it's a vast improvement to sitting at home staring at the cat.

PSA for Monday, May 21:
Go out to dinner, treat yourself to a full course meal, be especially nice to your waiter, and tip them exceptionally well. It mat not always seem like it, but we deserve it, I promise.


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