Thursday, November 24, 2005

Here's some festive cheer for you

As I sit here wallowing in my own self-pity at being alone on Thanksgiving (which, in case you were wondering, sucks more than a drunk cheerlearder. and that's a lot of cock), I've started to think of all the things that I really am thankful for, such as:

David Hyde Pierce (goes without saying)
Harry Potter (again, goes without saying)
my cats all
the SFA theatre putas (and non-putas as well) whom I love more than life
Ranch Dressing
my family, who, though 3 hours away, is still sending me palpable warm vibes which I feel at this very minute
Christmas music on Yahoo launchcast
a person who I can sit on the phone with while watching a movie and not say anything because we're watching that movie together. over the phone. wow.
The Bell
It's A Wonderful Life
my Ariel dress-up figurine from my favorite Miranda

Things that I'm not thankful for:
dumb theatre history papers. suck. ass.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Dearly, my delicate Ariel

[please note that I will never again be this mushy. I promise. Entries of restaurant woe and theatre-related adventures (complete with naked cartwheels) will resume shortly]

Everyone needs to find a person who makes them forget about Harry Potter.

Who will watch It's A Wonderful Life with you and drink hot chocolate, bake cookies, and later open up a bottle of wine.

A person who makes you sad to sleep alone.

Who can blindfold you and do naughty things with fruit.

Who would do naked cartwheels with you (not that this has happened, but I'm biding my time......).

Someone who will take care of you when you're drunk and not judge you afterwards because you've never been drunk before, and you were probably acting like a prize idiot, but they don't care because they're that awesome.

Who thinks you look attractive is something as ridiculous as this.

Who makes you want to straddle them in their computer chair and then make love on top of their desk (not that this has happened, either, of course ;) ). did I really just use a smiley?

A person who knows that you are a Jedi Master and does not question or ridicule your regard for the Force.

Who can watch you wolf down a 1/2 lb. burger and fries in less than 5 minutes and still find you desirable.

Yeah. Everyone needs a person like that. I wish he didn't have to leave.

< /sappy entry >

Sunday, November 06, 2005

He drinks a whiskey drink, he drinks a vodka drink...

I am drunk. DRUNK! SOOOO FUCKING DRUNK!!! (please note that when I started planning this entry in my head, I had no intention of using so many exclamation points, or caps. or telling anyone that I plan entries ahead of time)

And the best part is: no one knows! It's like a little secret. I'm just sort of sitting back, looking around with the knowledge that I, the straight-laced milquetoast homebody wallflower, am completely smashed. The giggling may be giving me away a little.

Word of warning: this is probably the lamest story for getting drunk ever. The only thing that makes it exciting is the fact that I never have been drunk before (or possibly that could make it even more lame).

When we have a guest actor in a show, the cast is thrown a "Friends of the Arts" party - yes they are as lame as they sound. Basically the elite of the town in which I live (inwardly I laugh at the thought of this town having anything that could be considered elite) get together and invite us to one of their homes, where the cast inevitably converses only with themselves and watches these egotistical, pill-popping socialites get hammered. On a side note, I have never seen so much botox in all of my life.

Neither have I seen so many middle-aged men handing out alcohol. So, really, who am I to refuse? After 5 glasses of wine I was a bit light-headed and dizzy, and I spent the next 20 mintues wandering around trying to guage the level of my inoxication, and getting several different opinions on the difference between tipsy and drunk. Then I had another glass of wine. At that point it became sufficiently clear that I had trascended mere tipsiness and reached the quintessence of inebriation. I wish I could ay that I did something awesome like jump into their pool, but alas, I somehow seemed to retain my sense of decorum.

A few things I did do while in my state: won a game of pool against all odds, discovered the joy of eating cheesecake with my fingers, went to the bathroom 18 million times (and in every bathroom in the house - which I think was my proudest moment of the night), killed a hooker, was asked if I was British by way too many people, got lost looking for other bathrooms, fell and scraped my knee (which really has nothing to do with being drunk), and conquered Uzbekistan.

Side effects have been less than heinous. Other than a mild stomach ache, the only thing that's been bothering me is the fact that it is ridiculous o' clock in the morning and I can't sleep due to a severe case of the munchies.