Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I am a hypocrite

For all my my life, I have been campaigning against inter-theatre relationships; it just shouldn't be done - at least not for me. Too much of a personality clash, in my opinion. There's enough in common, absolutely, but maybe it's just too much in common. On my list of criteria for possible significant others, "Non theatre" is at the top of my chart, in bold letters, underlined three times, and italicized. Same goes for any and all creative types: musicians, artists, etc.

This summer I thought I had found the perfect guy in The Scientist; he was everything I thought I wanted, but it just........fell flat. For me anyway. I thought I knew what I wanted, but I had never actually had it, so I could only guess that what I thought I wanted would really work for me. Turns out it didn't. But more on that later, I don't have the energy to explain it all now.

Enter The Boy, stage right. The quintessential thespian: animated, talented, sensitive, funny, devastatingly handsome. All wonderful qualities (and many of which I inhabit - or hope I do), but not what I think that I want.

But how do you know what you want 'till you get it?

Well, I got it. And I could see it coming from a mile away. I had entertained the idea of perhaps, possibly, maybe, conceivably attempting to start something, and it was apparent that he was clearly thinking the same. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I could put this situation in my filing cabinet under the heading "Class A: Very Bad Idea." The ball was already in motion, however, and I just had to wait for me impending doom. To say that I was scared is an understatement. I really liked The Boy, but I never thought it could work out between us. However, after a good consultation with my Magic 8 Ball, my Movie Book of Answers, and a good talking to with the Ls, I decided to go for it. It's the best decision that I've made in a long time. And I can't believe it. It's going so well, I don't know what to do with myself. I don't want to bolt, haven't displayed any of the typical symptoms that I show when starting a relationship. He's everything that I thought I didn't want, and he's been the best thing for me.

Outside, it's one of those days that makes you happy to be alive. My present state of bliss has to do with more than just the weather.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

The start of something?

In order to satisfy the masses:

The Ls have been incredible. Lived with L1 last year, and it's ab fab having her next door, even if we aren't sharing quarters. L2 is equally faboo, providing a constant source of amusement by taunting L1, and making nonsensical remarks. They are part of the reason why I have decided to start updating here again, and when they read my first couple of new entries, they were quite distraught at not having been mentioned. Well, here you are. I thoroughly enjoy being around you guys, and you're super for letting me hang around in your room all the time when the R gets to be too much.

The last few days have been so amazing it should be illegal in some states. The Boy cooked me dinner on Friday, and we watched Love, Actually (we did watch the movie, and resisted playing with the cat). To make a long story short, I spent the night. Please refrain from making slutmonger - type comments for my lack of will power; nothing happened. And by nothing, I mean everything. We stayed up until 6 a.m. talking and just holding eachother, then fell asleep that way. Unfortunately we were wrenched from our state of bliss by the alarm clock at 9; I had costume load - in for "Hair". Bugger all. I'll just say this: Going to load-in after getting only 2.3 hours of sleep the night before is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when one's reason for getting said amount of sleep is as good as mine. *grin*

Last night was just as amazing as the one before (with the slight downside of being insanely tired from the first night). Some of the things that I have learned in the last 15 hours:

I no longer own the title "Biggest Dork Ever".
Mini donuts can make anyone smile.
Laying awake next to someone who is asleep is just as pleasant as laying by them when they're up.
The way to a man's heart is through his taste in coffee.
The soundtrack to AmeliƩ makes me happy.
The words "Luke Skywalker" and "pansy" are synonymous.
Apparently, when I get up after sleeping, my hair is just as pretty as it was when I was awake, and I don't have morning breath. I actually don't believe that one.
After returning form said night, I don't want to wash hair (despite its apparent un-tousled appearance) because it still smells like him.

The last two nights have been ridiculously amazing. Here's to hoping there are more of them.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Learning to ride a bike

Went out with The Boy today. Despite my misgivings, things went very well. I'd been a bit nervous at the start due to the fact that he is a theatre major, but it turns out that he's quite the same way I am: very staunch about keeping the drama on the stage and out of life. It was quite refreshing. Had dinner at Sezchuan (General Tso for me, Sesame chicken for him), then went back to his for a movie. Both Tom Hanks and Ladykillers were forgotten, however, at the arrival of his cat, who proceeded to entertain us far more than the film. Ate cookies and milk, and watched Batman the Animated Series on DVD to prove that we were both secure enough in our individual dorkiness, and dorkiness as a couple. Went home at about 11:45.

Got home, changed into pajamas, then realized that I had tragically left that peach rose that he got me in a vase back at his place. Feeling a rush of spontaneity, I flew over there in my pajamas and a sweatshirt (and my dreaded glasses) to reclaim my flower. Unfortunately, I was met by his roommate, who informed me that The Boy had gone to the store to pick up things for tomorrow night (we're having dinner at his). We had a good laugh about it, I got my flower, and returned home.

I slept really well.

"We must all have waffles forthwith."

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I must apologize for my abscence over the last 5 months. I'm afraid that I was sucked into the whirling vortex that is Livejournal, and have been recording my trials there for the past while. It seems the members of the theatre here are all on the LJ community, and I felt it incumbent upon myself to join in, using it as a way to further integrate myself into the social scene. Oh bandwagon, how I love thee. On the downside, everyone here reads everyone's journal and comments on it ad nauseum. While I appreciate the comments on my Blog here, they were all from people back home who were so far removed from the situation that it didn't matter if they knew my inner most thoughts. On LJ, however, one must exercise a certain amount of discretion. Even some Professors are in the LJ world, so ranting about rehearsals is a negative. And writing about anything personal would be mighty foolish, considering the rumor mill in this theatre (or in any theatre, for that matter). So, I have decided to return to the world of Blogger. I'll not be giving up my existance on LJ, but I'm going to save that for my lighter posts, and put things that are a bit more serious (or would not do to fall into the wrong hands) over here. Now, I do have a link to this site on my LJ, but it's been my experience that people are far too lazy for things like that. At least I hope so. I shall be exercising a bit mmore discretion here, just in case. Will up date soon, I have lots to talk about.