Thursday, September 23, 2004

I must apologize for my abscence over the last 5 months. I'm afraid that I was sucked into the whirling vortex that is Livejournal, and have been recording my trials there for the past while. It seems the members of the theatre here are all on the LJ community, and I felt it incumbent upon myself to join in, using it as a way to further integrate myself into the social scene. Oh bandwagon, how I love thee. On the downside, everyone here reads everyone's journal and comments on it ad nauseum. While I appreciate the comments on my Blog here, they were all from people back home who were so far removed from the situation that it didn't matter if they knew my inner most thoughts. On LJ, however, one must exercise a certain amount of discretion. Even some Professors are in the LJ world, so ranting about rehearsals is a negative. And writing about anything personal would be mighty foolish, considering the rumor mill in this theatre (or in any theatre, for that matter). So, I have decided to return to the world of Blogger. I'll not be giving up my existance on LJ, but I'm going to save that for my lighter posts, and put things that are a bit more serious (or would not do to fall into the wrong hands) over here. Now, I do have a link to this site on my LJ, but it's been my experience that people are far too lazy for things like that. At least I hope so. I shall be exercising a bit mmore discretion here, just in case. Will up date soon, I have lots to talk about.


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