Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Rockitecht

For those who've been asking, this is BC - the out-of-town-architect-musician-badass-dreamboat who is currently occupying a very large space in my mind. Or heart. Whichever is better.*

*Mind is most obviously way better, and heart just sounds dumb and corny. But if it weren't, he'd be occupying that, too.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Midnight Madness

I'll save my thoughts on Deathly Hallows for another time, if I post them at all. I know a lot of people were probably expecting a lengthy review much in the same manner as I did for Half Blood Prince, but I don't really think too much is necessary this time. Suffice it to say: it was wonderful. It was what I needed it to be. Possibly more on this later. For now, here are some pictures of the antics that ensued at the midnight release party that I attended with BC (who raced into town and wore my "I am Hermione Granger" t-shirt, much to my dismay), and BoBo (his sister, who is also my neighbor and longtime friend).

As expected, I was Hermione.

Getting into a fight with Fleur (BoBo)

Coming home and reading through the weekend (with Moira and Crookshanks by my side)

Very sad to see the end. Am experiencing the sort of quasi-post partum depression that usually accompanies the closing of a show; not sure quite what to do with myself. I've grown up with these books - it's like losing a friend.

Thoughts from anyone else?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Four days, man...

... Four more days.

BC and I will be happily barricaded in my apartment, doors locked, cells and comps off, all the food we need stocked in the fridge. We will pause only for the occasional romp in the hay (when the stress of the plot gets to be too much) and we will venture out only for a cigarette (again, when the action gets to be too much. Or post-coital. Or both).

How will you spend your weekend?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I was on your side, Bill, when you were losing....

I did something crazy. And not just a goofy, quirky, normal sort of crazy. But genuinely crazy.* Can't give away too many details at this time, but I tell ya: it's a doozy. Full story later. To those who do know, just trust me, guys.

*Those in the know have, funnily enough, said this is so crazy that it isn't crazy at all. Not exactly sure what this means, but I'm taking it as a good sign.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hey baby I hear the blues are callin'....

DHP has officially come out of the closet. *le sigh*

You know, I always held a tiny sliver of hope, but today it has been dashed aside. I think it's time for a Lifetime Movie Shower.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day weekend

Completely banked at the Restaurant today, despite the usual slow Memorial Day lag. Last week's hypothesis further proven. Someone came into town and surprised me this weekend. Lots of wine, lots of cigarettes, lots of ridiculously good sex. And a rather unfortunate incident with some jalapeno poppers, but that's a story for another day. All of which completely overshadows my transmission blowing out and racking up a $1400 bill, a fact that really isn't bothering me that much at present.

Hope everyone's weekend was as good as mine.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Waitstaff Appreciation Day

Christians have Christmas, Jews have Hanukkah (or Chanukah, or Xh#8!sgh), and waiters have National Waitstaff Appreciation Day (assuming, of course, that waiting tables can be considered a religion - and for those lifers, it probably is). The Restaurant is our Temple, the expo line is out confessional, and we touch our foreheads with marinera before each shift.

Perhaps not.

So how should i celebrate? Is there some sort of server fairy walking around with wings of uncooked pasta and a gown of stained linen napkins? I think I'll just sit on a customer's lap and tell them exactly what I'd like for this NWAD. Apart from being completely mystified as to why their waiter has taken up residence on top of their legs, I'm sure they'd be most amused. But really, I'm spending the day working a double, making minimal amounts of money in the near empty Italian restaurant of a dead college town. At least it's a vast improvement to sitting at home staring at the cat.

PSA for Monday, May 21:
Go out to dinner, treat yourself to a full course meal, be especially nice to your waiter, and tip them exceptionally well. It mat not always seem like it, but we deserve it, I promise.