Friday, January 19, 2007

Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do.....

Not cast in a mainstage. This really hasn't been my year has it? One downstage in particular really interests me, so here's hoping...

And on top of that, more drama with JB and His Ex. Despite all of this, I am relaitvely calm. At this point I'm not sure anything can faze me. Or it could all be that ever-present mask of cool, collected, it-really-doesn't-bother-me-ness. But whatev. I'm going to take a hand out of David Sedaris's book:

"When shit brings you down, just say 'fuck it' and eat some motherfucking candy."

Time to pig-out on ice cream Snickers bars.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Well, that's very interesting. I have absolutely no idea what to expect.

Let's do the whole combination, facing away from the mirror.....

It's that time again, folks - that time of year that either terrifies or excites theatre majors (or, in the case of technicians, aggravates the hell out of them): auditions. Observe the new icon, just for the occasion!

A little different this semester: instead of having 2 days off of classes, we only get one and the first set of callbacks happens tonight. This somewhat puts a damper on the upperclassman ritual of coming to the Majors/Minors meeting in a thorough state of intoxication.

The report so far: alarm clock inexplicably did not go off this morning, and in doing so, disrupted my schedule of chi-harnessing and calm pre-audition ritual. Instead found myself scrambling to look presentable and rushing to the building in the freezing rain. In heels. What made this situation worse was the discovery that (apologies to those with a "Y" chromosome) my period had started. 8 DAYS EARLY. Which is re-damn-diculous. Despite all this, both "Blithe Spirit" and "Six Degrees of Separation" went well, I think. List should be posted just before Majors/Minors. Let the waiting begin.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

If I were a bell...

Deliriously happy, thank you for asking.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

'07 Resolutions

A tad bit late, but here they are anyway - my New Year's Resolutions. I'm a tad bit late in starting them, as well, but I'm confident that with the start of the school year and the return of a definite business, sleep, study, (and hopefully rehearsal) schedule, I'll be able to keep up with them.

I will:
  1. Drink 6 glasses of water a day.
  2. Eat more vegetables and fewer artery clogging foods, thus far decreasing my chances of having a heart attack at 21 (which, at present, is astoundingly high).
  3. Take part in some form of physical activity 5 times a week. This can include Jedi battles and chasing JUB around the theatre building.
  4. Get back in the habit of carrying around a pad of paper in which to writes notes. In general: write more often and about more things.
  5. Make active effort to get up and shower before 8 a.m. class instead of traipsing into school clad in pajama pants, with morning breath, and hair that bears an uncanny likeness to Carrot Top on a bad day (this has by far the least likely chance of occuring than any of the others. And what is Carrot Top's hair like on a good day?).
I will not:
  1. Eat out more than once a week (bad for both stomach and pocketbook).
  2. Succumb to committment-phobic tendencies which generally tend to arise within first few months of relationship.
  3. Put off Beginning Directing scene H.W. until the last possible minute (same goes for Lighting).
  4. Let bedroom get into a state of disarray which bears striking resemblance to an Iraqi warzone.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hey, waitress, what are you waiting for?

Every once in a great while a customer comes along who bestowes you with what I like to call the MT - miracle tip. A tip that, while the service provided may have been exceptional, is overdoing it by any means. This tips pretty much rock the proverbial kasbah. So imagine my elation when I went around table 44, after the 12 top had gotten up and left, and discovered that they had left me an additional $70 over grat, bringing the grand total to $110.32. Upon realizing what just happened, I promptly removed myself from the Front of the House and into the kitchen where copious amounts of overjoyed squee-age commenced.

Holy God. And I was already having a really good night as it was.

HOT DAMN!!!!!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Yes, but you've also made a fool out of me. You've made the life I lead foolish, too.

Oi. Due to events concerning JB and His Ex (though about abbreviating that, and just calling her "HEx" but that sounded just awful), am currently in the middle of a mind fuck similar to watching all 3 endings of "Clue" and then saying, "wait, but what really happened?" Except exponentially more serious, with a higher hair-pulling-out quotient, and involving far fewer butlers. At the moment, my head is gushing in the manner of a watermellon at a Gallagher concert. Trust has never been an issue for me, at least not in this way, and though it may seem obvious whose story to believe (from both sides), I keep switching, new information keeps piling up, and I am sliding further and further into a state of utter befuddlement. The question I am asking myself now is: do I go wtih my head, my heart or my gut (which are all telling me very different things)? This mildly dampened my spirits for last night, as my plan was to get very drunk, be very social, and very gorgeous in a New Year's Eve dress. Only one of those accomplished, so it isn't a complete loss, I suppose.

And what I find mildly amusing, despite all of this, have found myself looking at it all from an acting student's perspective - psychological motivation, noting all of my emotions and mannerisms (particularly when large bombs are dropped), and mapping the plot of this as if I were writing a script. This entire time I've been thinking, "yes, it sucks, but I can use this." I need to know what this is like. Because objectively, this situation is quite interesting; it is drama, it is life, and it is exciting (though not the fun, Roller Coaster at Six Flags exciting).

Related note: It brings to mind a line from the original translation of "Six Characters..." which we changed for the sake of its being too wordy:
Stepfather: She is attempting to heap opprobrium on me by withholding relevant explanations!