Going postal on the greeting card industry
Listening to bad covers of really bad 80s songs (and a few knock-offs of old show tunes) eclipses AMC's "Movie Tunes" as Worst Part of My Job. Here are some more reasons why Working at Hallmark Sucks Ass, and why I Take Back Anything Bad I Ever Said About Working at the Theatre:
I get paid the same amount, but technically this is less money, since now I don't get free food and movies.
I used to get through shitty days at the theatre relatively well because I love the movies. I was there because ultimately I really wanted to be. Movies rock my life. Shift to now. Work bites because I don't really have a passion for greeting cards. No one does.
I should never work retail. Ever. I am NOT a people person.
For any of you AMC-ers are reading: if you thought the movie theatre patrons were stupid, you should come to Hallmark. There are only so many times someone can ask you "Can you tell me how much this is" before you want to say "LOOK AT THE PRICE TAG, FUCK-ASS!!!!"
Hallmark is completely devoid of the male sex. Employees are all females, customers are all female. And at the moment, I am yearning for a bit of male attention. To all of you guys out there: if you want to pick up women, go to a Hallmark store. Really. They will flock to you, maybe even start dry humping you in the middle of the "Sympathy" section.
50% off means half of the original price, idiot.
Yes, it's Christmas, yes these people are in a hurry, but so is everyone else. And if one more person gets cross with me about how busy we are, or how we're out of everything they wanted, or could you ring us up faster please?, instead of "thanks you, Merry Chistmas", I'm going tot yell "I hope your tree spontaneously combusts and the Time Square ball rolls over your house."
I hate customer service.
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