Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Becoming my gender

Have not seen The Boy since Friday, and only spoke two sentences to him on Saturday (inquiring about the cast party); I took the initiative in both instances, and he has made to effort to contact me since then. Baffled much? You could say that. Not exactly sure what is going on, but I'm quite concerned that I am, well, concerned. Things like this do not bother me. Ever. As a general rule, I'm the one who is distant in the relationship, I'm the flighty one, so for me to be on the other end of the spectrum comes as quite a shock. As Mexiwon't said, "The one thing I could always count on was you not turning into a girl, and now you've gone and ruined it." Indeed. I have turned into a girl, or rather the stereotypical girfriend, and I know exactly when it happened. One night about a week into our relationship, I was about to go to bed when I picked up the phone and thought, "I haven't talked to The Boy today," and proceeded to dial. I've displayed other symptoms of this supposed "girl-ness" such as wanting to talk more (as opposed to the spooning, and the play wrestling, and those sessions of "passionate necking"), and being happy for no reason. Not quite sure what to do about all of this.

But I digress. He hasn't called, or made any move to contact me in 4 days, despite our extremely close living and working proximity. Thus far I've held strong and not called him, but I'm starting to wonder whether or not that's the best thing to do. He could very well be not calling me because he's upset that I haven't called him. And when I finally do see him (possibly tomorrow at Mexiwon't 's) I'm at a loss as to how I should behave. Should I confront him about said lack of contact, or just act like I'm completely oblivious to the entire thing in my traditional "no skin off my nose" attitude that I've displayed in the past.

In other news, had quite an interesting trip to Wal-Mart with The Cosmonaut. More on that later.


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