Cracking open come windows
Every once in a great while that manner of posts is written that blemishes the face of this blog with doses of depressed maunderings and existential angst. That's right. The emo!post is back, so avert you eyes, ye who are easily annoyed.
I can say that at this moment I'm thoroughly disliking living in these apartments with so many other theatre majors, despite the fact that I normally relish the arrangement. Maybe it's that there are so many more of us than normal this year, and so many more of us over 21, which leads to more alcohol, which leads to more parties, which leads to more crazy and often awkward situations that could otherwise be avoided. I've had a blast, but now that I'm on the not-so-nice end of it, I'm changing my tune. I might just need to get away for a while. We are all so much a part of eachothers' lives that it can sometimes be stifling; the fact that we all know every single thing that happens with eachother the very minute that it happens can be intimidating. And frustrating. It's odd that I'm just now realizing it.
This semester has been a bit.....interesting for me, and I've learned some things about me, about other people, etc., and there's one big detail that won't even be shared here because it's just that much of A Big Deal. And that thing is good, so I suppose I'll keep it secret. Excuse me for being vague in those last couple sentences; I woke up this morning and decided I'd like to be cryptic.
I haven't gotten too personal here or on the good ol' Livejournal in a while. I wonder why that is. I need to get back to writing, it makes me feel good. Anyway, I'm just sending this all out into the void. So, have a good afternoon, dear void*; it's a nice day out, I'm going to go try and feel better.
*Yes, blatant reference to "You've Got Mail." It felt right, considering some other things.....
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