Book 7 wish list
I was laying in bed the other night and I couldn’t go to sleep because I was thinking about Harry Potter. Again. Not the person, but the series. There are times when I’ll be sitting, just staring off into space and suddenly I’ll shiver with excitement; if you ever see me do this, it means I was thinking about Book 7.
A British tabloid published a story not too long ago (which turned out to be false)in which J.K. Rowling stated that she’d written 750 pages of the final book and was about half way done. Personally, I’d be fine with a 1500 page Potter, as long as it was well written and I had something soft to rest it on. And that got me to thinking what I’d like to see in it.
Harry Potter and the End of the Whole Damn Mess, a wish list of sorts
**Warning to all who haven’t read all 6: here be spoilers!!!!**
1.) Voldemort’s defeat. I know this may seem obvious, but I’m writing it nonetheless. And I want it big. Explosions, deaths, hippogriffs, hexes. Think Jerry Bruskheimer. And edge of seat nail biting is always a good thing. And in the Final Battle I want the students fighting. They’ve earned it and they’re capable at this point. And if they aren’t, then that’ll make it all the more interesting. (note that this does not mean the return of OotP's CAPSLOCK!Harry)
2.) Not one of the Trio to die. In interview, JKR has ruled out Ron’s death, and I am therefore suspicious of Hermione. Now, while the idea of Emma Watson’s Hermione being killed off does put me in a fit of giggles and a satisfied grin on my face, I want canon Hermione to live. I relate most to her, and she’s part of the reason I read. Now, if one of them appears to be dead for a while, that’s a different story. And I think it might be interesting. erefore suspicious of Hermione. Now, while the idea of Emma Watson’s Hermione being killed off does put me in a fit of giggles and a satisfied grin on my face, I want canon Hermione to live. I relate most to her, and she’s part of the reason I read. Now, if one of them appears to be dead for a while, that’s a different story. And I think it might be interesting.
3.) Snape, Snape and lots of Snape. He’s my favorite character, and besides that, I think he deserves it, and the story needs it at this point. I’ll divide this into sub-categories:
A.) That we get clear and unequivocal knowledge as to Snape's ultimate loyalties (or indeed, lack of them). He does not have to be aligned either way for me, just so long as all ambiguity is at an end. That said, once we know, I'd like to know "why" for whatever. I do not particularly want a watertight backstory, but a set of key drivers to explain him might be nifty. I might sulk quite petulantly for about fifteen minutes if there should be a sentence towards the end, that says, "Harry realized there were so many things he would never understand about Snape." That's a headdesker.
B.) If Snape is supposed to be "good" then I want that pesky Emmeline Vance issue ironed out. If he did connive at/aid her murder then he is NOT good and cannot possibly be defined as such. He may still be playing for the side of the angels, but he's just not good. Sorry. It's more than possible that he is committed to he cause of the Order of the Phoenix for entirely nasty and selfish reasons. The world is NOT divided into nice people and Death Eaters, after all.
C.) I'd like Snape's death (assuming it happens, and I believe it will) to occur near the end, and be hugely crashy bangy.
D.) Snape and Lily. Either he was in love with her, or they were friends. I have a theory about it being her handwriting in that copy of “Advanced Potions Making” (remember Hermione did say she thought it looked like a girl’s and they should all be able to recognize Snapes’s by now. Not to mention Slughorn’s comments a bout how adept she was at potions). Lily and Snape could have been study partners.
E.) Why the fuck did Dumbledore trust him? And why did he turn away from Voldemort, if that is indeed what he really did. What did he do that made Dumbledore accept him back?
And for the record, I think Snape will turn out evil. Or if not evil, then just working for himself. This theory is not necessarily just based on canon, but more on what JKR has said in interviews over the years. But I still hope I’m wrong.
4.) Ideally, nail the Manipulative!Dumbledore as absolute crap. And he’s dead. And not coming back.
5.) A HUGE surprise, not necessarily at the end, but somewhere. I remember reading Books 1-3 and being completely thrown off kilter by events and characters at the end. 4 and 5 were fine, but I liked the big bang that came back during parts of 6, particularly toward the end. I know that in 7 JKR will be doing a lot of tying up of loose ends, but I’d still like for something to come and take me completely by surprise. Something that will leave me in the fan girl-ish state of OMG OMG OMFG, WTF !!!!!?!??!1111!
6.) Pettigrew. I want to know what he’s been doing, and if his life debt to Harry is going to come into play.
7.) Not so much shipping. I’m through with that after the veritable ship-fest that was HBP. Fine, yes, everyone is together, but I want the romance to be over and get back to the mystery, action and inner-torment of teen angst (though that is not to say that I want Emo!Harry back).
8.) That Harry should not die. I think if he did, it would be the easy way out. Everyone expects it, and I want something different. In this same vein, I don’t want Harry to be a Horcrux. Beside the fact that I have doubts as to according to the way a Horcrux works functions and Harry’s ability to defeat Voldemort if he was one, I think this would be going for the most obvious out.
9.) All the business with Aunt Petunia to be ironed out. "Remember my last" and all of that.
10.) Details on Harry’s parents, esp. Lily. JKR has stressed the importance of Harry’s eyes so many times, both in canon and in interviews. Maybe we’ll finally get some info. And Godric’s Hollow on The Night It All Happened. I think there’s more to it than what we know so far. And why did Lily end up with James if he were such an obnoxious prat?
11.) Death, lots of it (other than those already specified, of course). It’s inevitable, really. I think Lupin will live, so as to keep one Marauder still alive (and therefore Tonks will probably live, too). Same for Hagrid - JKR likes him too much. One (at least) of the Weaselys is a goner, my bet goes to one of the twins. I’m thinking lots of student death, and as far as faculty goes: Flitwick.
13.) That “triumphant look” in Dumbledore’s eyes when he realizes Voldemort can touch Harry. What’s that about? JKR says it’s important.
14.) A riveting read. I don’t think I’ll be disappointed with this.
And on a related note, that same British tabloid recently published pictures of JKR’s pooching tummy and reports that she’s been to the gyno several times recently. Assumption: preggers. This would make baby #4 for her. So apparently her marriage is a lot better than the last. And you know what that means:
It’ll take longer for Book 7 to be finished.
Selfish cow.
I think Neville will go.
The discussion group in my German class has ruled 10 to 1 odds on one or both of the twins getting it at the hands of Percy, the newest Death Eater.
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