Friday, December 15, 2006

I believe you have my stapler.....

Public service announcement: For anyone who has ever eaten at a restaurant, please do not take the pen that your server gives you for the credit card clip. We only carry so many, and it would be a big help if you could just let us keep them. Especially the click-top ones, those are really convenient. And a big thank you to the lady at table 71 who, upon hearing of my plight concerning the two other tables who has taken my pens that day, left me not just one, but two extra pens on the table when she left. And the tip was great, too.

Happy holidays, all, especially fellow waiters (who are probably drowing in bad tip season at the moment). May your days be merry, tables have high turnover, and pens be bountiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're correct - I'm impressed! Seriously, if what you write is representative of who you truly are, you're really great! I don't want you to think I'm a stalker; I've just been really bored at work lately and your style of writing is kinda addictive. Also, is your title a reference to "Two Weeks Notice?"

10:38 PM  
Blogger Spark of Life said...

It's a reference to the movie "Office Space," which you should definitely see. Very funny. Sort of a modern day retelling of Herman Melville's short story "Bartelby the Scrivener." (and if you haven't read that, you should try it. One of my favorite short stories.)

2:17 PM  

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