Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I wouldn't want our marriage to get in the way of your dating.

After reading NDC's post about why he thinks he'll be single forever, I started doing some thinking of my own on that particular matter. Now, I'm not of the opinion that I'll be single forever, I'm just thinking along the lines of marriage. My family is Catholic, and you know what that means: early marriage and lots of procreation. My response to the family expectation: fuck that noise. Yeah, I could get married one day; I could also plunge a fork through my eye. And I'm living in the South, so I've seen many a friend either already till-death-do-us-part-ed, or are aching to be (don't even get me started on the good 'ol southern girl type). It's not that I don't like being in relationships, because I do; they've never really been a high priority for me, and I've had very few of them, but they're a nice distraction every once in a while. I just know that marriage is most definitely not on my agenda.

So, here's my list of why "marriage" goes along with "getting stung by 57 bees" on my list of Things I Wish to Never be Subjected To (credit goes to NDC if some items are the same).

  • I hate sharing a bed. And a room.
  • I'm a committment phobic.
  • I find that there is something hypocritical in signing a sheet of paper in order to cement your bond with another person.
  • I need my alone time; frequently. So fuck off.
  • Simone de Beauvoir is my hero.
  • My mother has been married 3 times and I really don't have any faith in the institution of marriage.
  • I don't want to get divorced.
  • I've never really had a stable male figure in my life, and I'm always going to be seeking it (possibly explaining why I have a prediliction for older men). At the same time, I'm very distrusting of men.
  • I loathe being told what to do; ever; really, don't tell me what to do.
  • I'm stubborn to a fault and always have to be right. You may think you're right, but give me 15 minutes, a wine key and the internet, and I'll make you see it my way. And if I'm wrong..................no, I'm not.
  • I'll probably be poor forever.
  • I put up walls. 50' high, 4' thick, titanium walls. And I like my walls. I'm fearful of letting people break them down because that means they're getting close to me and the possibility of getting hurt or being left increases tenfold. I'm dead scared of someone leaving me because that's what all the other men in my life have done, blah blah, psychobabble blah.
  • I'm not a social person.
  • I may wake up one morning and decide that I don't like you anymore, and this ring on my finger is really ugly. I can be fickle.
  • I'm not a huge fan of physical touching. Especially in public. I can be cold, too.
  • I'm not romantic. At all.
  • I've discovered that I like sex. A lot. Probably too much. While I may not be getting any at the moment, I'm young, nubile, and my sex drive is climbing fast. I don't know if there's any truth to the rumor of marriage killing a couple's sex life, but I'm not willing to find out.
  • I am incapapble of having a serious conversation. I need laughs. And I will make them. At your expense.
  • I don't deal well with emotions - my own or other people's. If you're upset, the best I can do is punch you and then maybe you'll forget what you were upset about for a second while you try and punch me back.


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