Ok that was once... and I was drunk... and it was Valentine's Day.
Happy V-Day, all. Am thankfully not working this year, as last year's mass of rude and finicky patrons was enough to scare me away from this day for the rest of my table-waiting future. I've never been keen on celebrating Valentine's Day, though neither am I the type to refer to it as "singles awareness day" and trudge through the 14th in a haze of Hallmark-fueled anger and depression. Do have cause to celebrate this year, though have no plans to do anything special. But, to all those who do, have a splendid evening, tip your waiter well, and lick things off eachother afterward. :)
Update: at the suggestion of Red, we will be dancing around the apartment like this tonight:
I am very excited. Something about Fiona Apple in a red dress singing about unrequited love just screams Valentine's Day.
I am very excited. Something about Fiona Apple in a red dress singing about unrequited love just screams Valentine's Day.
i don't think you could have said it better
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