Thursday, February 05, 2004

Today's entry is entitled: The Idiocy of East Texas Conservatism

Yes, I go to college in East Texas. Yes, this area is a bit more close-minded than I am used to. However, one thing that I have always come to depend on is the constant that theatre will be uncensored. Even in high school (and a fairly conservative one, at that) our plays were rarely censored. We had people give the appearance of total on-top-of-a-desk sex, for Thespis's sake. With the exception of Kiss Me, Kate (which I'm still mad about), we kept it pretty real. I just assumed that theatre at the university level would provide even looser bonds. I have been sadly mistaken. I have been informed that for The Man Who Came to Dinner every single Goddamn has been removed, as well as some other sexual innuendos. Now, I don't use the G.D. word, and am not a particularly lascivious person, but this is art, not life. And I know that Oster (the director) is not to blame. Apparently the pressure from the ultra-conservative powers-that-be just got to be too much, and our department caved.

This just reinforces my theory that Nac is the butt-hole of Texas.

"Some people have accused me of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit." - Mel Brooks


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